
  • Optimization
  • Continuous model for discrete methods
  • Fast numerical solver for high order, nonlinear PDE
  • Phase Field Models and Numerical Methods
  • Inference on PDE and Stochastic Models
  • Inverse problem
  • Methods for Bayesian inference (MCMC, HMC, coupling, etc)
  • Information Geometry
  • Mathematical Aspect of Machine Learning and Neural Network


Nesterove acceleration, momentum method, gradient descent
Convergence behaviors of Nesterove acceleration (AGD), momentum method (MM), gradient descent (GD) [1]
Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard Phase field crystal
Evolution of annulus-shaped mixture under Functionalized Cahn-Hilliard model [2] Crystal formation from grains using the phase field crystal model [2]

Optimization and its applications to numerical PDEs

[1] Park, J.-H., Salgado, A. J., & Wise, S. M. (2021). Preconditioned accelerated gradient descent methods for locally Lipschitz smooth objectives with applications to the solution of nonlinear PDEs. J. Sci. Comput., 89(1), Paper No. 17, 37.

Computational study of real world problems

[2] Park, J.-H., Salgado, A. J., & Wise, S. M. (2023). Benchmark computations of the phase field crystal and functionalized Cahn-Hilliard equations via fully implicit, Nesterov accelerated schemes. Communications in Computational Physics, 33(2), 367–398.

[3] (In progress) Park, J.-H., Salgado, A. J., & Wise, S. M. Perturbed preconditioned gradient descent method for Cahn-Hilliard equation with variable mobility.

Theoretical numerical analysis

[4] (in progress) Park, J.-H., Salgado, A. J., & Wise, S. M. Nondegenerate convergence of generic local Lipschitz smooth functionals beyond Sobolev embedding.