

Visiting Assistant Professor at University of California Santa Barbara


  • Math 104A (Fall 2023) Introduction to numerical analysis Notes (Github)


  • Math 6A (Spring 2023) Vector Calculus 1 Mind-map-based Notes
  • Math 6A (Winter 2023) Vector Calculus 1
  • Math 8 (Winter 2023) Transition to higher mathematics
  • Math 104A (Fall 2022) Introduction to numerical analysis Course page


  • Math 3B (Spring 2022) Calculus 2
  • Math 3B (Winter 2022) Calculus 2
  • Math 4A (Fall 2021) Introduction to linear algebra
  • Math 3B (Fall 2021) Calculus 2


Teaching Assistant at University of Tennessee Knoxville

  • Math 231 (2020 Fall) Differential Equation 1
  • Math 231 (2020 Spring) Differential Equation 1
  • Math 123 (2019 Fall) Finite Mathematics
  • Math 125 (2019 Spring) Basic Calculus
  • Math 231 (2018 Fall) Differential Equation 1
  • Math 125 (2018 Spring) Basic Calculus
  • Math 125 (2017 Fall) Basic Calculus
  • Math 125 (2017 Spring) Basic Calculus
  • Math 119 (2016 Fall) College Algebra

Secondary schools

Mathematics Teacher at secondary schools

  • 10- and 11-th grade Mathematics (2011) Hapdeok Steel High School (Korea)
  • 7-9th grade Mathematics (2008) Geunheung Middle School (Korea)
  • 11-th grade Mathematics (2007) Deacheon Women’s High School (Korea)


Undergraduate Research

  • (2021 Summer REU, co-mentor Tang S. at UCSB) Li, D., Malowney S., Trehan R., & Chung T. Sparse Learning of Multi-Agent Systems from Data.
  • (2023 Summer-Fall) Karo, R. & Sabata, S. Data-driven discovery of mobility of Cahn-Hilliard equation.

Directed Reading

  • (2023 Winter-Spring) Sabata, S. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion


  • First-gen and transfer mentoring (2023 Fall): Giving advice and information on how to get involved in research, how to balance work/academic/life, and how to get involved K-12 education program.


  • Friendship hours (2023 Fall): Career and college life
  • Wisdom hours (2023 Spring): Career and college life
  • Growth hours (2023 Winter): Career and college life
  • Friendship hours (2022 Fall): Career and college life
  • Small gathering (2022 Spring): Career and college life